Our Intention

Create intentional space where Nurses can come together, learn together, and support each other to more fully actualize Self in Service to Humankind - honoring the beauty, grace, and artistry of Caring for self and others.

Our Calling

Today we stand upon a new horizon of possibilities as we move beyond those things that have dominated our practice and detoured us from our commitment and our personal/professional calling and purpose. This time in history is an opening, to include Love and Compassionate Care into our science, and an opportunity to creatively transform, redefine, redesign and mature our practices, to be of sacred service to humanity.  This is a time to rediscover our Way, The Nursing Way.

Together we unite, give voice, and inform moral action around our personal/professional knowledge, gifts and talents. In community, we awaken and live out our values, commitments, passion, intellect, and wisdom, stepping into a new era for Nursing, and Human Caring and Healing for our world.  

Our Story

Our response to this calling has and will continue to evolve. In the future, Nurses must be able to connect, learn together, share ideas, innovate, and discover from each other new possibilities for self/professional service.  We know that The Nursing Way technology, used for its highest purposes, gives us an opportunity to advance Nursing as a mature Profession and Discipline. 

The Nursing Way is mainly a volunteer organization; we called upon our network to help us get started and they have responded with generosity beyond our expectations. The vision for The Nursing Way is big. So, with minimal funding but maximum intentionality, we are honored to be standing at this starting point with you. 

For you, The Nursing Way is a safe space of love and support to share-in visions, dreams, and calling.  


The Volunteers Making This Happen



Kathy Douglas, RN, MPH-HA

Jean Watson, PhD, RN, AHN-BC, FAAN

Mary Rockwood Lane, RN, PhD, FAAN

Erica Hooper, DNP, RN, CNS, CNL, PHN

Cathlyn Robinson, MSc(A), RN, CEN, TCRN 

Grissel Hernandez, PhD, RN,MPH

Paulina R. Van, PhD, RN, CNE

Lauren Williams, RN, MSN

Lauren Khalifeh, RN, BSN, CAPH, HNB-BC

Cara Mutia, RN, BSN

Heather Linsalata, RN, MSN



Jeremy Moncada

Louis Gagnon

Dan Spinner

Shamini Jain

Craig Malina